Ready to Deliver


We're constantly on the lookout for new members. By joining the Defence Works, you get to help the next generation of defence companies internationalise, commercialise, and develop. You will pioneer advice for the industry at a critical moment, and work on high-level projects where your expertise makes a difference.


Our democracies are facing challenges that only you can solve. From developing cutting-edge technology to defending against cyber threats and external aggression, the needs of the defence industry have never been greater. At Defence Works, your will pioneer strategic advice for a new generation of defence companies.

Proudly headquartered in Helsinki, Southern Finland
BY JOINING the team you will...

Help the next generation of defence companies internationalise, fundraise, develop and navigate complex processes.

Work at the highest level

You will pioneer advice for the defence industry at a critical moment. Work on high-level projects where your expertise makes a difference. 

learn from the best

There is no better place to meet & work together with other high-level experts in the industry.

AND We will...
INvest in you

We provide you with all the tools you need to grow and contribute, whether it’s mentorship, connections, or work tools.

COMPEnsate well

We pay competitively for the work you do, and distribute end of the year bonuses based on your contribution if you join us as a partner.

offer flexibility

You can work both part- and full-time, as either an employee or an independent consultant. 

The process

To apply, you need at least 2 recommendations from existing members in the network.


After that, we have a series of interviews and security checks. If you pass, we will fly out to meet you in person.


Once you are onboarded, we will assign you your first project.

APpLY to Defence works
Calle Unnérus
Managing Partner 44 2737541
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